Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mango Season

Mango season has finally arrived. From the moment that I arrived in Baoba (back in November), everyone has been telling me to just wait until mango season, and so I have been anticipating it’s arrival. Everyday kids in my neighborhood bring me at least one mango, and I cannot eat them fast enough. On my run this morning, a little 8-year-old boy that I didn’t even know just stuck out a mango in his hand as I passed by for me to grab mid-stride.

Unfortunately, with the arrival of mango season comes the arrival of rainy season (and with rainy season, comes mosquito season). Apparently May is the rainy month in the Dominican Republic, and June begins hurricane season. Hurricane season will last until November, and people are already talking about whose sturdy-block house we’ll go to once a “cyclone” comes through. Because of its dirt roads and its proximity to three large rivers, Baoba has the tendency to flood, or at least to make the roads impassable. However I’m not too worried about it. Peace Corps has consolidation points for us, and if a bad hurricane is getting ready to hit, I will be called into San Francisco, a large city about 1 ½ hours away. And while Baoba will be fending for itself, I will be relaxing in a nice hotel where rumor has it has tennis courts, a swimming pool, and room service. Depending on when I get the call to come into San Francisco, it might be difficult to travel to the city, but if Baoba is really flooded and I can’t leave, they will (like, they have in the past) send a helicopter to fly me out to safety. And to be quite honest, I’m kinda hoping for the helicopter ride.

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